Commited to making rugby a safer game.
Medical Education
Equipping rugby lovers with medical education
First Aid in Rugby & Concussion Management
Course Details
- Duration: 1 day
- Open to: Any coaches, referees, educators, players, managers, administrators of Swiss Rugby clubs.
- Instructors: World Rugby Medical Educators
- Certificate: World Rugby Certificates in First Aid in Rugby & Concussion Management
Course Description
Part I: First Aid in Rugby
Injuries are a part of any contact sport. Serious or life-threatening injury in Rugby is, however, rare. The outcome of many injuries can often be improved by quite simple rugby-specific first aid skills from bystanders until emergency help arrives. Such bystanders may be parents, club officials, coaches, referees, or even other players. This course will equip you with some of the basic skills you may need if you ever found yourself in such a situation.
Part II: Concussion Management:
Concussion is an issue that affects all sports, and it is important that everyone in Rugby recognizes the symptoms of concussion and removes from playing or training any player with clear or suspected symptoms. The message is simple – Recognize and remove. Recognize the symptoms of concussion and permanently remove a player displaying any of those symptoms. Working together with players, coaches, administrators, medics, scientists, the media, and supporters, we can ensure the welfare of those who take the field at all levels of the game is protected.