You can find below the minutes of the FSR's Delegates' Assemblies:
- 2012 - Ordinary Delegates' Assembly
- 2013 - Ordinary Delegates' Assembly: Part I Part II
- 2014 - Ordinary Delegates' Assembly
- 2014 - Extraordinary Delegates' Assembly
- 2015 - Ordinary Delegates' Assembly
- 2016 - Ordinary Delegates' Assembly
- 2017 - Ordinary Delegates' Assembly
- 2017 - Extraordinary Delagates' Assembly
- 2018 - Ordinary Delagates' Assembly
- 2018 - Extraordinary Delegates' Assembly
- 2019 - Ordinary Delegates' Assembly
- 2019 - Extraordinary Delegates' Assembly
- 2020 - Ordinary Delegates' Assembly
- 2021 - Sports Assembly (Electronic)
- 2021 - Financial Assembly Minutes Annexes
- 2022 - General Delegate Assembly Minutes Annexes
- 2022 - Financial Delegate Assembly Minutes Annexes
- 2023 - General Delegate Assembly Minutes Annexes
- 2023 - Financial Delegate Assembly Minutes Annexes
International Clearance
Parental Authorization
English - Francais - Deutsch - Italiano
To register for membership or obtain a licence: See SportLomo Section
Job Descriptions of the FSR Paid Staff Positions
Competition Regulations - 1st Part - Organisation of Matches:
Competition Regulations - 2nd Part - Licences and Transfers:
Competition Regulations - 3rd Part - Judicial Regulations:
Annexes I and II - Table of Penalties and Tariff of Fines:
Super Sevens Regulations:
SportLomo Registration Rules & Quick Help
Please carefully read the following rules and quick help topics. For detailed instructions, please consult the SportLomo manuals below.
Deadline: If a player wants to play on the weekend, his/her licence must be online in SportLomo for approval latest by Wednesday at 12:00 noon before the given weekend.
Needed documents and formats: Please fill in all the required fields honestly, correctly, and completely. Upload only proper size, well readable documents. For registration you will need a portrait photo and proof of identity (view more information below). Youth Players additionally need parental authorization. Players transferring from another union additionally need international clearance. Should any of the needed documents be missing, your license will not be approved. File formats & file names: jpg, jpeg, pdf. DO NOT use any special characters (apostrophe, accents, Umlaut) in the names of the files you upload. The system won't correctly upload other file formats and files with special characters in the file name.
Multiple registration/ SportLomo IDs: It is not accepted to register multiple accounts/ SportLomo IDs for the same person. Any additional/ double registrations will be deleted. If you have more than one role in your club, see "Multiple Roles" below. If you want to play for two different clubs, see "Dual Membership" below.
Existing member: If you already have or had a SportLomo account, RENEW your existing license for the new season. DO NOT register register new, as each player is only allowed to have one SportLomo ID and you are NOT a new member. Creating a new account will lead to a double SportLomo ID, which is not accepted and will be deleted.
Renewing your license: When you renew a license, please don't forget to click underneath each previously uploaded document, in order to transfer it to your license for the new season. If you want to update your photo or other document, you can do this within the renewal process. However, if you do not update/ upload a new document but forget to click underneath the respective file, the file will be lost and won't be kept for the new season. This could lead to your license not being approved due to missing documents.
New member: If you have never been registered with the Suisse Rugby Union on SportLomo, REGISTER NEW.
Youth Player: To register a Youth Player, in addition to you must also upload a scan of the filled-in and signed PARENTAL AUTHORIZATION. For the form, scroll up to the "License & Membership Forms" section on this page.
Swiss citizen: Please upload a scan of both sides of your Swiss ID card or Swiss passport.
Non-Swiss citizen: Non-Swiss citizens living in Switzerland, please do NOT upload your passport, but a scan of both sides of your Swiss Residence permit
Player categories: Please view here what your correct player category is, if upgrades or downgrades are allowed and need approval by the DTN (Sport Director): dtn(AT)
Transfer from another union: If you are transferring from another union, international clearance is needed for your FSR license approval. Scroll up to the "License & Membership Forms" section on this page to find the international clearance form and international union contacts. Fill in the form, send it for approval/ confirmation to the union you are transferring from, and once you have received the signed and stamped form, upload it to your SportLomo account. Please inform the FSR once you have done so at: licenses(AT) (Junior players up to and including U14, and players at university clubs are exempt from this rule).
Transfer to another union: If you are leaving Switzerland to register with another union, you need international clearance from the FSR. Ask your Swiss club for a release letter and once received, send it together with the filled in international clearance form to licenses(AT) for approval. Once you have received the signed and stamped form, send it to your new union for license registration. Scroll up to the "License & Membership Forms" section on this page to find the international clearance form and international union contacts.
Transfer to another club within the FSR: DO NOT create a new license account on SportLomo for your new club (double SportLomo ID is not accepted and doubles will be deleted). This would make you loose your player history. If you want to change clubs within Switzerland, ask your club to initiate a transfer of your license in the SportLomo system. For a club transfer, the home club must initiate the transfer. Then the FSR approves the transfer and the new/receiving club must approve the transfer and filnalise the transfer.
Multiple roles: When selecting the category of your license, if you have more than one role in your club, select "Multiple Role". DO NOT create a new account for your second role (doubles will be deleted). If you want to add an additional role at a later point, you can upgrade the existing membership with another role. View chapter "Upgrade Membership" in the below manual "Licences: Registration and Renewal".
Dual Membership: If you want to apply to play for a 2nd club (dual membership), first read carefully chapter 3 of the "Competition Regulations - 2nd Part - Licences and Transfers" in the above section "Competition Regulations".
Payment options: Depending on the SportLomo settings for your club, you have the option to pay "offline" (will be invoiced) and/ or by "stripe" (online payment using credit card).
Discount codes: Depending on the club regulations, some clubs use a discount code for the FSR license fee. The discount code is given to the club and communicated by the club directly to its members. The FSR does not provide discount code information directly to club members.
If you encounter any problem, please send an email to licenses(AT)
SportLomo Manuals
Below you can download various user manuals for the SportLomo federation software:
Dual Membership
Licences: Registration and Renewal
Membership Packages
Online Payment Registration - Stripe
Referees: Registration & Renewals
Team Sheet Creation
Transfer of Players
Here you can find all documents for a player to play in a higher category. The documents must be sent to the DTN (